Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Art Trivia - Definition of Drawing

What is a drawing? From the encyclopedia Britanica, "Drawing is the presentation by chiefly linear means of an object, person, landscape, symbol, emotion, idea or scheme." A drawing can be a sketch that can be turned into a larger or more involved work, or it can stand alone for its own sake. The drawing can be drawn with a pen, pencil, stylus of some kind, brush, crayon, needle, chalk or any other means of putting lines to paper, cloth, parchment, canvas, wood, stone or other surface. A drawing can even be seen as a painting sketch before the actual painting has begun. In its three-dimensional form, an engraving could also be considered a drawing.

Drawings can be just a valuable as any other form of art. Many artists sell drawings as a finished art form. In other cases, preliminary drawings have been sold after a more advanced piece has been created, and at quite a large price. Consider any drawings made by artists like Leonardo da Vinci, Van Gogh or Picasso.

As an artist, you may just be interested in drawing and not advancing to a different medium (such as oil paint or watercolor). In today's art world there is a place for you and a way for you to make a living with just your drawing talents.

Above is a drawing I did ("Ducks in the Grass") that I am selling on one of the various fine arts websites. You too can put your talent to work for you.

This is a program I recommend if you need help in selling your artwork: How to Sell Your Art Without Selling Out Check it out!

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