Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Photography as Art

Art has many mediums and forms.  One type of art that is always popular is art photography.  This is where a photograph can stand alone as a piece of art, or where a photograph is manipulated into a new art form.  The subjects for photographic art is as wide as the world.  You can enjoy a colorful sunset, a beautiful landscape or nature scene, a unique picture of a cute animal, a still life, or even people composed in an artful setting.

Many photographers are having fun manipulating photographs into a new dimension.  There are many computer programs that help with this which can create stunning pieces of art.

Here a few examples of photographic art:

Photograph entitled "Good Mother Monkey"

"Flower Art"

"Colorful Leaves"

These Photo Art Images are available for purchase at:

If you are an artisit you may  wish to try out your own talents for photographic art.  All it takes is a digital camera, a simple computer program (if you wish to manipulate the pictures) and a bit of imagination.  You may discover a whole new talent, and a new way to make an income from your art!

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