Friday, August 14, 2009

Becoming an Appreciated Artist

Many artists paint strictly for the joy of painting or creating. Just the act of applying that paint to canvas or paper is what fulfills them. But let's face it...this is the real world. People have to live and have to make a living--artists included. It would be nice (and so rewarding) to be able to make a living at what you love to do. It would also be nice to get some recognition for your artistic talents. That is what becoming an appreciated artist means.

So, you have to know a little about salesmanship in order to sell your art, make a living and continue to practice the art of painting that you enjoy so much. Becoming an appreciated artist is becoming an artist who sells his artwork.

Here is a program that I recommend for anyone trying to sell their artwork. It offers a lot of tips and suggestions on how to go about becoming a income-earning artist. Take a look and see what you think.... How to Sell Your Art Without Selling Out

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