Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Earliest Pieces of Etruscans Sculpture

The Etruscans were a people living in north central Italy form the 8th century onward.  Before the middle of the 7th century, they occupied an area of west central Italy bounded on the east by the valley of the Tiber and on the north by the Cecina River.  These were the regions of classical Etruria in which the Etruscan civilization reached its height in the 6th century B.C.

The very earliest pieces of Etruscan statuary are flat rectilinear figurines from Vetulonia and Capodimonte di Bolsena.  These figures ocur in later contexts in the Regonlini-Galassi and Bernardini tombs, both of which contain pieces in a more advanced style which cannot have developed much later.  These are figures of women in pigtails and long skirts depicted in a style not unlike that of north Syrian, although this female type, copied in ivory and amber, is certainly local.

The above is just a bit of art history trivia that you may find interesting.  Art enjoyment comes in many forms - that of today's modern paintings and art appreciation of older eras.  Discovering art of the past is a great way to appreciate and learn about the art that is created in today's world.  Ancient styles are copied or used as inspiration for today's artists.  Art history styles sometimes repeat in today's art world. Find some of my own works of art at:  Dee Phillips Galleries

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