Saturday, July 11, 2009

Art Comes in Many Forms

Art is beauty for the eye and can come in many forms. Of course, there are paintings of varying kinds--oil, acrylic, watercolor, mixed media--and in varying styles--traditional, modern art, landscapes, country folk art, etc. There is also sculpture which involves and adds another dimension to the art form. You can also have photographic art, both in realistic pictures of objects or photos that have been manipulated into a new art form. There are collages and pen & ink studies. There are so many different forms that art can take.

It is up to the artist to create and it is up to the viewer to enjoy and interpret. You can look at one piece of art and see one thing while someone else can discover some other meaning from the work.

Art is really a personal thing that is enjoyed by the beholder. Art can take many forms. It is up to you to find the meaning a particular piece has for you.

View my artwork at: Hojt-Tonte Art Gallery

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