Thursday, July 16, 2009

Who is Alexander Wyant?

Born in 1836 at Port Washington, Ohio, Alexander Helwig Wyant was a U.S. painter. His landscape paintings evolved from the tight realism of the Hudson River school to the subjectviism of the Barbizon school.

His best know work, one of his early landscapes, is "The Mohawk Valley" painted in 1866 (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City). All of his early works were characterized by their near-photographic faithfulness to the subject, romanticism and a wide panoramic effect.

The art of his later years showed more maturity and freedom. This is shown in "Moonlight and Frost"(Brooklyn Museum)(shown in picture) and "Landscape in the Adirondacks" (Metropolitan).

To view my artwork, go to: The Hojt-Tonte Gallery

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