Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Art Trivia - Photographic Art

Photographic art was brought into being because several 'artists' had a need to create art, but had an inability to draw. Among those were Josephy Nicephore Niepce, who was led to photographic art becuase of his inability to draw on lithographic stone. William Henry Fox Talbot was another whose inability to draw when doing his research let him to photographic art.

Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre, and artist and scene painter, presented an illusiionistic Diorama in Paris and London which showed enormous painted views that had changing light effects. He used a camera to make preliminary sketches which thus led him to photographic art.

Photographic art was also influenced by being able to create multiplying quantities of pictures (lithography) and with semi-mechanical means of picture-making, for example the silhouette and the physionotrace.

Photographic art is now an art in its own right. One can find fantastic photographics that are definitely works of art, but one can also find photographs that have been manipulated into art forms. Photographs are also used in creating artwork like collages.

To view my artwork, which includes some art photography, go to: The Hojt-Tonte Gallery

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